Your customers are going to need a vacuum for their home. The only one that keeps homes and their contents looking newer longer and also adds resale value is a central vacuum. Differentiate your homes with our innovative retractable hose products such as Chameleon®, Vroom Retract Vac®, Vroom® and Spot®!
Convenience cleaning means never having to look for a portable vacuum or hand vac again because central vacuum cleaning power is always where your customers will need it, there's a solution for every room! And, our central vacuums are backed by an industry leading, Limited Lifetime Warranty covering permanently installed components meaning you customers will never need to buy another vacuum for as long as they live in the house!
We offer a Builder-Friendly Support System including: 
- Model Home Program
- Merchandising Support
- Training
- Custom Marketing & Sales Programs
- and More!
Contact Us Today for More Information on How We Can Help Your Homes Stand Out!